Supporting emerging and executive leaders seeking accelerated growth

About Diana

Diana is passionate about inspiring and developing exceptional leaders who want to have an impact - whether in their own careers, with their teams, or for their organizations. She provides leadership coaching, creates and facilitates leadership development experiences, and is a frequent speaker and contributor on the topics of culture, leadership, inclusion, and bias in the workplace.

As a Certified Integral Coach® whose professional experience includes over two decades as an executive leader, Diana specializes in leadership, organizational and team dynamics, diversity & inclusion, and career development. She has supported Fortune 500 executives, academia, small businesses, start-ups, and individual entrepreneurs in the US and internationally.

Diana is best known for her engaging, direct, and authentic approach to evoking transformational change and getting results. Diana has the lived, learned, and intuitive experience to achieve high-impact results in fast-paced, high-pressure environments.

1:1 Coaching

1:1 coaching is a personalized and focused approach to personal and professional growth. This type of coaching is particularly helpful for individuals who want to make significant changes in their lives or careers, such as starting a new business or transitioning to a new role. Diana offers a safe and confidential space to explore new ideas and receive guidance and support. With 1-on-1 coaching you can expect to achieve greater self-awareness, build your confidence, and develop new skills and strategies for success.

In a 1-on-1 coaching engagement, Diana's approach is to both coach and advise. Diana uses her years of executive coaching to help uncover and realize deeper insights, and combines this with her own experience as an executive leader, to provide grounded and practical advise.

Coaching can cover a variety of topics - career and professional development, team dynamics, leadership challenges, and career transitions. Diana will work closely with you to identify your coaching goals, provide new frameworks and practices to help develop and evolve your thinking and interactions, and help you create actionable plans to achieve their objectives.

Leadership Development

Diana will partner with you to create a custom development curriculum for you, your organization or specific leaders on your team. Diana's approach is tailored to each individual, and she helps her clients build on their unique strengths to create a leadership style that is authentic and impactful.

Leadership development typically includes 360 Feedback, Group Coaching, 1:1 Leadership Coaching, and a variety of supplemental assessments as necessary.

Working with Diana can help individuals develop the self-awareness, communication, and decision-making skills they need to become effective leaders. By working with Diana, individuals can achieve their leadership goals, unlock their full potential, and create a lasting impact in their organization.

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360 Feedback

360 feedback is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth that helps individuals gain a comprehensive view of their strengths and development areas.

360 feedback is especially beneficial for leaders and executives who want to improve their performance and effectiveness in the workplace. With 360 feedback, DIana can help you better understand your impact on others, build stronger relationships, and achieve your goals with greater success.

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Diana is available to consult on number of HR and People related topics including

  • Organizational Design
  • Culture & Engagement
  • Workforce Reductions
  • People Management & Leadership
  • Performance and Talent Management
  • Diversity and Inclusion

HR Consulting

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Difficult Conversations

Diana is an expert navigator of difficult conversations, and can engage in short-term, situation-specific coaching to support the delivery and resolution of difficult conversations. Topics can include personal (separation, divorce, parenting, financial) or professional (performance issues, career changes, terminations, etc.)

Diana will provide new perspectives and tools to support the successful delivery of, and positive resolution, on any number of difficult conversations.

Speaking Engagements


Diana is a frequent panelist, guest speaker, and featured contributor on the topics of Inclusion, Leadership, Culture and Organizational Design


It was an incredible experience working through coaching sessions with Diana whose approach was collaborative, supportive and refreshing. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be challenged to shift my mindset and to be given effective tools and practices that made such a positive impact. She helped me gain clarity on how I can move through the world operating more from my own preferences as I became a bolder version of myself. I am so thankful for the huge growth that I experienced as a result of her coaching sessions.

- Tonya, HR Corporate Leader

When the opportunity for executive coaching with Diana presented itself, I almost immediately disqualified myself thinking, “I’m no executive. She probably only coaches people in the corporate world — I am anything, but that.” As an emerging artist, I wasn’t sure how fruitful this experience would be for me. HOWEVER, I knew I was in a major transition professionally and wanted to be as equipped as possible as a creative entrepreneur, so I thought it was worth a try. Diana was amazing! Session after session, she would gently pull me back to things that I said — things I revealed about myself — that I often talked right over and missed entirely. She slowed my thought process down. She helped me dig deeper — both professionally and spiritually — to work through barriers of wrong thinking about myself. I came out of this time of coaching with Diana feeling equipped, readied, and confident in myself to launch an art business that not only serves others, but serves me back. Diana can coach anyone: executive, creative, student, parent, leader, wannabe leader, and everyone in-between. She’s a gifted coach.

~Heather, Entrepeneur and Small Business Owner

I was introduced to Diana by a close friend at a crucial time in my new career. She provided clarity about my new objectives as a real estate agent. She gave structure to the process of defining what really matters to me in my professional life, in a way that was both effective and simple. She helped keep me accountable for the goals I set for myself. She created a safe space to confine in both professionally and personally.

- T.C., Realtor

Diana is a one-of-a-kind coach. She has a unique ability to help leaders better understand themselves by asking pointed questions and going down non-obvious paths. She skilfully weaves together the personal & the professional, helping leaders unlock their full potential both within and outside of work.

~Annika, Executive Director

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